Unidad 1: Introduction. Unidad 1: Introduction


Lesson Goals:
  • This lesson will give you a sense for what the course will cover. Short and easy.

Versión en texto:

Lesson 1.1: Introduction
  • Introduction to the class - How this MOOC will work
  • A couple of frequently asked questions
Welcome to the PowerSearchingWithGoogle MOOC!  It’s great to have you here.  
This MOOC (stands for “Massive Open Online Course”) comes in 6 Classes with 4 or 5 Lessons.  Each Lesson has an Activity for you to check your understanding of that Lesson.
Here’s what it looks like:
Figure: PowerSearchingWithGoogle class structure
At the mid-way point in the class, we have a midterm test, and then when everything is done, we have a final test. If you get 70% correct on the tests, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion in your course profile page.  
Figure:  Class outline with tests.  
Power Searching with Google is a truly global class! You’ll have many fellow students from around the world participating in the class forums.  So, when the Activity suggests that you add something to one of the Forums, give it a try.  You’ll probably find it pretty interesting to see how others interpret the course assignments.  
And while you’re thinking about other countries, take a moment and check out Google from another country’s perspective.
Google.com is really the version of Google’s index for the US.  But many other countries have their own Google.  
Just search for [Google Senegal][Google Costa Rica], or whatever country you want to explore.  If you find something really interesting, please share it in the Forum that’s associated with this lesson--Lesson 1.1.  


  • 1.1 Introduction
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    1.2 Filter image results by color
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    Lesson 1.2 Activity
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    1.3 How search works
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    Lesson 1.3 Activity
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    1.4 The art of keyword choices
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    Lesson 1.4 Activity
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    1.5 Word order matters
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    Lesson 1.5 Activity
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    1.6 Finding text on a web page
  • Aún no ha comenzado
    Lesson 1.6 Activity

  •                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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