Post-course assessment, evaluación final. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Post-course assessment, evaluación final

This assessment addresses content in units 1-6. Please note that some of the assessment questions address functionality that does not work well on tablet computers. 

1 punto
Where will the Summer Olympics of 2016 be held?
1 punto
You decide to attend the Summer Olympics and find yourself surrounded by Portuguese speakers. How would you say, "Is there a cheap restaurant around here?" in Portuguese?"
1 punto
What is 3.2 + 4.7? (Hint: Can you use Google to answer this question?)
1 punto
You recall that in past years, the Olympics have included some sports that were popular in the host country. Although medals awarded in these events were not official, they were often fun to watch. You try searching for the topic, and get these results:search results for test question
What term do these results suggest that would give you a more focused query on this topic?
1 punto
Your friends know that you are interested in taking this trip to the 2016 Olympics, and one sends you the following post: "Hey! Know you are planning your trip to the Olympics. Thought you might like to see this." He did not identify the picture in any way, and he is not available right now for you to ask him.
What is the title of the work in which this picture was published?
Tu puntuación es: 5/5
Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

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