Lesson 1.4 Activity, Actividad. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Lesson 1.4 Activity, Actividad

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Search Tips:
  • In the last video you learned how to select effective keywords. Remember to think about the words you think will be in your desired results page.
  • Determine the most important words in your search as well as potential synonyms.
You received this letter from a friend.Hi, I am a chef and a food blogger. Recently, I wanted to write about this really yummy French sandwich with tuna and peppers and anchovies and stuff called a Pom Mignon, or something like that. For the life of me, I don’t know precisely what it is called. I spent half an hour last night typing every possible spelling I could think of into Google, but could not find it. What do I do now?
Thank you,

Given what you know about this problem, what query would you use to solve it?

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Can you find the name of the sandwich in the results below?

What's the name of the sandwich?


Lección 1.4 Actividad

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Consejos de búsqueda:
  • En el último vídeo que explica cómo seleccionar palabras clave eficaces. Recuerde que debe pensar en las palabras crees que va a estar en la página de resultados deseada.
  • Determinar las palabras más importantes en su búsqueda, así como los sinónimos posibles.
Ha recibido esta carta de un amigo.Hola, soy un chef y un blogger de alimentos. Recientemente, quería escribir sobre este sándwich realmente delicioso francés con atún y pimientos y anchoas y cosas por el llamado Pom Mignon, o algo por el estilo. Para la vida de mí, no sé exactamente lo que se llama. Pasé media hora la noche anterior a escribir todas las posibles ortografía lo que podía pensar en Google, pero no lo pude encontrar. ¿Qué hago ahora?

Teniendo en cuenta lo que sabe acerca de este problema, lo consulta desea utilizar para resolverlo?

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¿Se puede encontrar el nombre del sandwich en los resultados de abajo?

¿Cuál es el nombre del sándwich?


Lesson 1.4 Activity

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Search Tips:
  • In the last video you learned how to select effective keywords. Remember to think about the words you think will be in your desired results page.
  • Determine the most important words in your search as well as potential synonyms.
You received this letter from a friend.Hi, I am a chef and a food blogger. Recently, I wanted to write about this really yummy French sandwich with tuna and peppers and anchovies and stuff called a Pom Mignon, or something like that. For the life of me, I don’t know precisely what it is called. I spent half an hour last night typing every possible spelling I could think of into Google, but could not find it. What do I do now?
Thank you,

Given what you know about this problem, what query would you use to solve it?
  french sandwich tuna peppers anchovies Pom Mignon receta
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Can you find the name of the sandwich in the results below?

What's the name of the sandwich?
 Pan bagnat

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