Pre-course assessment, evaluación pre-curso. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Pre-course assessment, evaluación pre-curso

Before we begin, we'd like to learn a bit about what you know about search techniques. The goal of this pre-course assessment is not to judge or grade your skill, but to get a sense of what you know coming in, so that we can better understand what you gain from the course. To that end, please do not use Google to look for the answers--simply answer each question based on what you currently know.

Please note: During this assessment and the units that follow, you will often see words written inside square brackets [like this]. The brackets represent a search box like you see in Google, and the words inside the brackets are what you would type into the search box. So, if you see [golfcross rules], you would want to enter a query like this:
You would not type the brackets into Google, just the words inside them.

Now let's ask you a few questions:

1 punto
Which of the sections in the image below are advertisements?search results for test question
1 punto
When searching Google Images, you can drag an image into the search bar and find webpages where it appears online.
1 punto
What would you type into the search box to get a top result that looks like this? If you do not know, enter "I don't know".search results for test question
1 punto
What would you type into the search box to get a top result that looks like this? If you do not know, enter "I don't know".
search results for test question

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