Lesson 5.2 Activity, Actividad. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Lesson 5.2 Activity, Actividad

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Search Tips:
  • Verify the credibility of information you find on the web.
  • Avoid confirmation bias when conducting searches.
  • To verify the source of a piece of information, use the precise information you have.
  • To confirm a fact, use a generic description for what you seek.
  • Example: [average length octopus] will give you information about how long an octopus is. [18 inch long octopus] will give you sources with examples of octopuses of that length.
1. In Unit 1 Lesson 6, Dan mentioned that 90% of people don’t know about Control-F. Which of these queries is the most efficient way to help you confirm or refute that fact?
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2. Which of the following searches would be most efficient to locate the original source of the data point that 90% of people don’t know Control-F?
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3. You read an article that says:
A recent study argued that college students should be paid for playing sports. It calculated that a typical basketball player is worth over $265,000 to his or her alma mater, while a college football player has a value of over $120,000. <\/font>
Open a new tab so you can search. What is the title of the original study on which this article is based?

Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

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