Lesson 3.4 Activity, Actividad. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Lesson 3.4 Activity

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Search Tips:
  • Use quotes to search for a phrase.
  • Quotes glue words together; there can be additional words before or after the phrase, but the phrase will always stay together in the results.
  • Use OR to include more than one way of expressing an idea.
  • If an idea on one side of the OR is more than one word, it needs quotes around it (for example [handkerchief OR "facial tissue"])
1. Your friend has been complaining about her ex a lot; he is still hanging around even though they broke up. This reminded you of a line from a poem: Like black tape he is stuck to me. You search for it and see the results below.

How could you modify the query to find the poem?
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2. Now you are looking for another poem, one with the line Don’t ask Joe what it is to him. As we've seen before, when you do a query like this, the words do not stay in a phrase, but get scattered all over the page. What would be a better query, if you wanted to find this exact phrase?
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3. You would like to find information on green marketing, the practice of portraying companies as being environmentally responsible. You look at your initial search results, and see that "Greenwashing" is a term used to describe this idea. But there are also synonyms: greenscamming and greenspeak. What search would you run to find pages using any of those three synonyms?
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4. You are getting ready to go out to dinner, and you cannot decide between eating Thai food and Vietnamese food. What query could you use to find both Thai and Vietnamese restaurant choices in your area?
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5. Truck owners are insured when they are on a job for a company, but need to carry their own insurance policy for when their truck is empty. You would like to get an idea of the cost of this type of insurance, which is sometimes called, non-trucking liability, bobtail, or deadhead coverage. What search would you use to get information on the cost of this insurance on pages that use any of these three terms? In other words, what search would you do to find pages using any of three synonyms?
Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

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