Lesson 1.2 Activity, Actividad. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Lesson 1.2 Activity, Actividad

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Search Tips:
  • In the last video, you learned how to use color filtering within image search to narrow your image results to images made up primarily of a certain color. You do this by clicking on the color filter that appears after you bring up the Color filter, under "Search Tools."
  • Please note that you can’t filter by color on iPad or Android tablets, but you can answer the questions below as if you were using a laptop or desktop computer.

 You want to re-read an introductory accounting textbook from school, but you cannot remember the exact title. You recall that the cover is yellow and has puzzle pieces on it. In the image above, where would you click to filter the results in order to locate the book?

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2. You want statistics on college loans. If you search using [college loans statistics], you get the image results above. What image type would you click to see charts and graphs that change as you look at them?

3. What is something you have wanted to find that color (or image type) filtering might have helped you locate faster? Try it out.


Lección 1.2 

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Consejos de búsqueda:
  • En el último vídeo, que ha aprendido a utilizar el filtrado de color dentro de la búsqueda de imágenes para obtener mejores resultados de imagen para imágenes compuestas principalmente de un color determinado.Esto se hace haciendo clic en el filtro de color que aparece después de abrir el filtro de color, en "Herramientas de búsqueda".
  • Tenga en cuenta que no se puede filtrar por color en iPad o tabletas de Android, pero se puede contestar las siguientes preguntas como si estuviera usando un ordenador portátil o de sobremesa.

¿Quieres volver a leer un libro de texto introductorio de contabilidad de la escuela, pero no puede recordar el título exacto. Usted recordará que la cubierta es de color amarillo y tiene las piezas del rompecabezas en él. En la imagen de arriba, donde le  haga clic para filtrar los resultados con el fin de localizar el libro?

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2. ¿Quieres cifras de los préstamos universitarios. Si usted busca usando [estadísticas de préstamos de la universidad], se obtienen los resultados de las imágenes anteriores. ¿Qué tipo de imagen le clic para ver las tablas y gráficos que cambian a medida que nos fijamos en ellos?

3. ¿Cuál es algo que han querido encontrar ese color (o tipo de imagen) de filtrado podría haber ayudado a localizar más rápido? Probarlo.


Lesson 1.2 Activity

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Search Tips:
  • In the last video, you learned how to use color filtering within image search to narrow your image results to images made up primarily of a certain color. You do this by clicking on the color filter that appears after you bring up the Color filter, under "Search Tools."
  • Please note that you can’t filter by color on iPad or Android tablets, but you can answer the questions below as if you were using a laptop or desktop computer.

 You want to re-read an introductory accounting textbook from school, but you cannot remember the exact title. You recall that the cover is yellow and has puzzle pieces on it. In the image above, where would you click to filter the results in order to locate the book?

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2. You want statistics on college loans. If you search using [college loans statistics], you get the image results above. What image type would you click to see charts and graphs that change as you look at them?

3. What is something you have wanted to find that color (or image type) filtering might have helped you locate faster? Try it out.


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