Certificado del curso Power Searching with Google, Potencia la búsqueda con Google, Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Certificado del curso Power Searching with Google, Potencia la búsqueda con Google pdf

Certificado pdf

Archivo del blog. Power Searching with Google, Potencia la búsqueda con Google. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Archivo del blog

Power Searching with Google, Potencia la búsqueda con Google. 

Programa de estudios, Syllabus. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Programa de estudios, Syllabus

Completada Pre-course assessment
Completada Unidad 1: Introduction
Completada Unidad 2: Interpreting results
Completada Unidad 3: Advanced techniques
Completada Mid-course assessment
Completada Unidad 4: Find facts faster
Completada Unidad 5: Checking your facts
Completada Unidad 6: Putting it all together
Completada Post-course assessment


Completada Pre-course assessment
Completada Unidad 1: Introduction
Completada Unidad 2: Interpreting results
Completada Unidad 3: Advanced techniques
Completada Mid-course assessment
Completada Unidad 4: Find facts faster
Completada Unidad 5: Checking your facts
Completada Unidad 6: Putting it all together
Completada Post-course assessment
Pre-course assessment

Completada Unidad 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Filter image results by color
Lesson 1.2 Activity
1.3 How search works
Lesson 1.3 Activity
1.4 The art of keyword choices
Lesson 1.4 Activity
1.5 Word order matters
Lesson 1.5 Activity
1.6 Finding text on a web page
Lesson 1.6 Activity

2.1 Suggestions, Search-as-you-type, Knowledge Panels
Lesson 2.1 Activity
2.2 Thinking more deeply about your search
Lesson 2.2 Activity
2.3 Understand options for different media
Lesson 2.3 Activity
2.4 Reading the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Lesson 2.4 Activity
2.5 Different kinds of content
Lesson 2.5 Activity

Unidad 3: Advanced techniques
3.1 Web organization
Lesson 3.1 Activity
3.2 Filetype
Lesson 3.2 Activity
3.3 Removing invasive results
Lesson 3.3 Activity
3.4 OR and quotes
Lesson 3.4 Activity
3.5 intext: and Advanced Search
Lesson 3.5 Activity

Completada Mid-course assessment

Completada Unidad 4: Find facts faster
4.1 Search-by-image
Lesson 4.1 Activity
4.2 Search features
Lesson 4.2 Activity
4.3 Conversions and Calculator
Lesson 4.3 Activity
4.4 Top menu options and Date range limiting
Lesson 4.4 Activity
4.5 Translation and search
Lesson 4.5 Activity

Completada Unidad 5: Checking your facts
5.1 Credibility
Lesson 5.1 Activity
5.2 Variant data
Lesson 5.2 Activity
5.3 Using Books to verify a quote
Lesson 5.3 Activity
5.4 Using WHOIS and looking for other site information
Lesson 5.4 Activity
5.5 Occasional misconceptions

Completada Unidad 6: Putting it all together
6.1 Combining methods
Lesson 6.1 Activity
6.2 Think broadly
Lesson 6.2 Activity
6.3 Summary
Post-course assessment                          http://www.powersearchingwithgoogle.com/

Based on your overall course score of 100%, you have passed the course. Tu puntuación en este examen es de 100%. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Puntuaciones del curso.
Gracias por hacer el examen Post-course assessment. 
Tu puntuación en este examen es de 100%.
Based on your overall course score of 100%, you have passed the course. Congratulations!

Post-course assessment, evaluación final. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Post-course assessment, evaluación final

This assessment addresses content in units 1-6. Please note that some of the assessment questions address functionality that does not work well on tablet computers. 

1 punto
Where will the Summer Olympics of 2016 be held?
1 punto
You decide to attend the Summer Olympics and find yourself surrounded by Portuguese speakers. How would you say, "Is there a cheap restaurant around here?" in Portuguese?"
1 punto
What is 3.2 + 4.7? (Hint: Can you use Google to answer this question?)
1 punto
You recall that in past years, the Olympics have included some sports that were popular in the host country. Although medals awarded in these events were not official, they were often fun to watch. You try searching for the topic, and get these results:search results for test question
What term do these results suggest that would give you a more focused query on this topic?
1 punto
Your friends know that you are interested in taking this trip to the 2016 Olympics, and one sends you the following post: "Hey! Know you are planning your trip to the Olympics. Thought you might like to see this." He did not identify the picture in any way, and he is not available right now for you to ask him.
What is the title of the work in which this picture was published?
Tu puntuación es: 5/5
Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Activity, Actividad. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Activity, Actividad

Visit each of the links below to explore ways to keep yourself updated on Google Search tools:


Visitar cada uno de los enlaces siguientes para explorar maneras de mantenerse actualizado en Google Herramientas de búsqueda:
Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Summary, Resumen. Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer

Summary, Resumen

  • Identify ways to continue learning how to be an effective searcher.
  • Identificar formas de seguir aprendiendo a ser un buscador eficaz.

Versión en texto

Lesson 6.3: Summary
  1. Conclusion
  2. Thank you
We have gone through a whole set of classes intended to help you to understand how to become an even better Google searcher.
We've talked about the fact that sometimes your searches are very straightforward. You submit a simple query and get a single answer, and you’re done. Sometimes it works that way. You go directly from your concept to a query and the result.
Now that you know the whole space of possible queries you can build, you can sometimes get there very, very quickly.
But sometimes it takes a little bit longer, and it’s a little bit more of a piece of detective work. If you want to verify a quotation, for example, you may have to dig into the past to find out where that came from, who said it originally. You may need to do some footwork to actually figure this out.
We've given you a set of tools in this class, and what I'd like you to do is to start using them. Start using all the facilities that Google has.
And one piece of advice I'll give to you is that we're constantly building new tools for you to use. One way to stay on top of what's possible and be aware of the kinds of things that are coming up online, is to subscribe to a news source like the official Google blog. If you do that, you can—with a once a day email—see what's new: what new capabilities Street View has; or, what new capabilities Google Earth will provide to enrich the kinds of things you're able to do.
Take the final exam in the spirit in which it's intended:
  1. To consolidate what you've learned here and to make it easier for you to use.
  2. To go more rapidly from idea—from wild and crazy thought—to a deep and rich understanding of what's available and what's possible to do in the world.

Versión en texto

Lección 6.3: Resumen
  1. Conclusión
  2. Gracias
Hemos pasado por todo un conjunto de clases destinadas a ayudar a entender cómo llegar a ser un mejor buscador Google.
Hemos hablado sobre el hecho de que a veces sus búsquedas son muy sencillas. Se envía una consulta sencilla y obtener una sola respuesta, y ya está. A veces funciona de esa manera. Que vaya directamente desde su concepto a una consulta y el resultado.
Ahora que ya sabe todo el espacio de posibles consultas se pueden construir, a veces se puede llegar muy, muy rápidamente.
Pero a veces se tarda un poco más de tiempo, y es un poco más de una pieza de trabajo de detective. Si desea verificar una cita, por ejemplo, es posible que tenga que excavar en el pasado para averiguar de dónde salió eso, quien dijo que en un principio.Es posible que tenga que hacer algún trabajo de pies para entender realmente esto.
Les hemos dado un conjunto de herramientas de esta clase, y lo que me gustaría que hacer es empezar a usarlas. Empezar a utilizar todas las instalaciones que tiene Google.
Y un consejo voy a dar a usted es que estamos en constante construcción de nuevas herramientas para su uso. Una forma de estar al tanto de lo que es posible y estar al tanto de los tipos de cosas que están surgiendo en línea, es suscribirse a una fuente de noticias como el blog oficial de Google. Si lo hace, puede hacer con un correo electrónico una vez al día, ver qué hay de nuevo: ¿qué nuevas capacidades Vista de la calle tiene; o, ¿qué nuevas capacidades de Google Earth proporcionará para enriquecer los tipos de cosas que usted es capaz de hacer.
Tomar el examen final en el espíritu con el que se pretende:
  1. Para consolidar lo que has aprendido aquí y para que sea más fácil para que usted utilice.
  2. Para ir más rápidamente de idea de salvaje y loco pensamiento a una comprensión más profunda y rica de lo que está disponible y lo que es posible hacer en el mundo.
Francisco Javier Cervigon Ruckauer